Final Thesis


Tesla new interaction concept

My Role

UX/UI designer (Personal project)


2016 Summer & Fall


Driver safety has become paramount in recent years. There has been a strong emphasis on ensuring you as a driver can keep your eyes on the road as much as possible.
However, with all the fancy controls and things right at your fingertips in Tesla, do you find it distracting? From an outside perspective, it looks like someone could easily lose focus on the road and become a danger to themselves and those around them.
The distracting driving could be caused by either human or vehicle, so this project will dig more into the current driving experience and also in-dash usage habits of Tesla driver.
My goal at the end is to establish a trusting relationship between people and their vehicle, and also help the driver stay focus on road by providing a more immersive and intuitive driving experience.


  • UX Research: The Study of In-dash Usage Habits of Tesla Drivers
  • UX/UI Design: New Heads-up Display
  • UX/UI Design: New In-dash Interactive Concept
  • UX/UI Design: Usability Testing & Iterations
  • Visual design: Visual Research and Mood Board
  • Visual design: Color Palette and Fonts
  • Visual design: UI Components and Iterations
  • Visual design: Final Design
  • Tech Development: Code Research and Information Architecture
  • Tech Development: Main Components and Google Map API
  • Tech Development: Gesture Control: 1. Temperature(Volume) adjustment; 2. Menu call out; 3. Real-time information.


